The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Timofei Vladimirovich Dedeoglu

Dedeoglu, Timofei Vladimirovich


* 4th of March 1898

† 3rd of July 1990

(Тимофей Владимирович Дедеоглу)


1942-03-27 Major-General


1938-04-XX 1941-04-10 Commanding Officer 28th Cavalry Regiment
1941-04-10 1941-06-14 Deputy Commanding Officer 230th Rifle Division
1941-06-14 1941-07-05 Deputy Commanding Officer 162nd Rifle Division
1941-07-05 1942-04-XX Commanding Officer 49th Cavalry Division
1942-04-XX 1942-11-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1942-11-XX 1944-07-07 Deputy Commanding Officer II Guards Cavalry Corps
1945-07-07 1946-01-XX Commanding Officer 84th Cavalry Division
1946-01-XX 1946-12-XX Inspector of Cavalry, Northern Group of Forces
1946-12-XX 1953-08-08 Head of Tersk Military Horse Farm
1948-05-04 Retired, but remained employed
1952-05-03 Restored to active service
1953-08-08 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko