The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Kombrig Mark Semenovich Deich

Deich, Mark Semenovich


* December 1900

† 28th of October 1937

(Марк Семенович Дейч)


1936-05-31 Kombrig


1930-10-XX 1931-11-XX Commanding Officer 8th Aviation Brigade
1930-10-XX 1931-11-XX Military Commissar, 8th Aviation Brigade
1931-11-XX 1932-05-XX At disposal of the Main Army Directorate
1932-05-XX Commanding Officer 30th Aviation Brigade
1933-12-XX Commanding Officer 4th Heavy Bomber Aviation Brigade
1933-12-XX Military Commissar, 4th Heavy Bomber Aviation Brigade
1933-12-XX 1934-XX-XX Attending the Air Force Academy
1935-01-XX 1937-08-06 Attached to the Soviet Social & Political Defence Organisation
1937-08-06 1937-10-28 Arrested
1937-10-28 Condemned to death
1937-10-28 Executed
1956-04-25 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko