The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Alain-Robert-Etienne Devaux

Devaux, Alain-Robert-Etienne


* 1st of November 1895

† 9th of July 1962


1938-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-06-25 Colonel
1945-05-08 Brigadier-General (Dated back to1945-03-25)
1949-08-01 Major-General
1954-12-01 Lieutenant-General


1939-08-27 1939-10-10 Controller of the Concentration at Vesoul
1939-10-10 1939-11-05 Controller of the Concentration at Amiens
1939-11-05 1940-03-01 Attached to 3th Bureau, 5th Army
1940-03-01 1940-06-16 Chief of Staff, 3rd Armoured Division
1940-06-16 1943-09-11 Prisoner of War
1943-09-11 Released for reasons of health
1943-09-11 Demobilised
1943-09-11 1943-09-18 Hospitalised
1943-09-12 1944-08-25 Member of the Resistance
1944-08-25 1945-02-25 Chief of Staff, Military-Government of Paris
1944-08-25 1945-02-25 Chief of Staff, Paris Military Region
1945-02-25 1948-01-28 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Seine
1948-01-28 1949-01-06 Assistant General Officer Commanding 3rd Military Region
1949-01-06 1951-12-28 Director of Military Personnel
1951-12-28 1954-12-23 General Officer Commanding 7th Military Region
1954-12-23 1955-11-01 At disposal of the Minister of National Defence
1955-11-01 Retired