The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Paul-Arsène-Gérard Devinck

Devinck, Paul-Arsène-Gérard


* 14th of August 1892

† 29th of May 1960


1939-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-03-25 Colonel
1943-05-08 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General
1945-12-25 Major-General
1949-05-15 Lieutenant-General


1939-08-27 1940-07-01 Chief of 4th Bureau, 7th Army
1940-07-01 1940-07-29 Attached to the Staff, 12th Military Region
1940-07-29 1940-08-22 Commanding Officer District of Confoles
1940-08-22 1942-08-24 deputy Chief of Staff, 12th Military Region
1940-08-24 1940-10-07 At disposal of General Officer Commanding Morocco
1940-10-07 1941-12-08 Chief of Staff, Territorial Division Meknès [Morocco]
1941-12-08 1942-04-01 Deputy Chief of Staff, Morocco
1942-04-01 1942-11-16 Commanding Officer 64th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment
1942-11-16 1944-06-17 Chief of Staff, Forces in French North Africa
1944-06-17 1945-05-12 Assistant General Officer Commanding 5th Armoured Division
1945-05-12 1946-01-04 Assistant General Officer Commanding Artillery, 1st Army
1946-01-04 1946-04-05 General Officer Commanding 10th Infantry Division
1946-04-05 1947-07-14 General Officer Commanding Artillery & Anti-Aircraft, French Forces of Occupation in Germany
1947-07-14 1948-01-28 General Officer Commanding Northern Zone of Occupation [Germany]
1948-01-28 1951-08-14 General Officer Commanding 1st Military Region
1950-01-01 1950-12-31 Member of the Supreme War Council
1951-08-14 Retired
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