The Generals of WWII

Generals from Yugoslavia Flag for Yugoslavia
Portrait of Brigadier-General Vladislav D. Dimitrijvić

Dimitrijvić, Vladislav D.


* 3rd of September 1889

† 1956


1929-04-30 1932-05-14 Deputy Commanding Officer 19th Regiment
1932-05-14 1935-XX-XX Commanding Officer 43rd Regiment
1935-05-16 1937-12-05 Commanding Officer 22nd Regiment
1937-12-05 1938-08-23 Attached to the Staff of 5th Army District
1938-08-23 1939-09-06 Chief of III Section, Adjutant Department, Ministry of the Army & Navy
1939-09-06 1939-09-10 In reserve
1939-09-10 1940-06-26 Commanding Officer Infantry Dunavske Divisional District
1940-06-26 1941-04-XX Commandant of VI Garrison Area
1941-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Prisoner of War, Germany
Emigrated to USA