The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Brigadier Henry Bryan Frost Dixon

Dixon, Henry Bryan Frost


* 12th of July 1891

† 20th of January 1962


1936-04-28 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-09-01 Acting Colonel
1940-03-01 Temporary Colonel
1941-10-29 Colonel (Dated back to 1939-04-28)
1945-04-04 Acting Brigadier
1945-10-04 Temporary Brigadier
1947-06-09 Granted the Honorary rank of Brigadier


1938-XX-XX Commanding Officer Military Hospital Imtarfa
1942-XX-XX Commanding Officer 90th General Hospital
1942-XX-XX 1944-XX-XX Commanding Officer Connaught Hospital
1944-02-XX 1944-12-XX Commanding Officer 107th General Hospital
1945-XX-XX 1946-XX-XX Deputy Director of Medical Services West African Command
1947-01-XX 1947-02-XX Deputy Director of Medical Services London District
1947-06-09 Retired