The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General André-Marie-François Dody

Dody, André-Marie-François


* 6th of October 1887

† 2nd of June 1960


1931-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-12-25 Colonel
1939-12-08 Brigadier-General
1942-02-20 Major-General
1945-03-25 Lieutenant-General


1936-03-XX 1938-10-01 Commanding Officer 150th Infantry Regiment
1938-10-XX 1939-07-XX Attending the Centre des Hautes Études Militaires
1939-07-07 1940-04-01 Commanding Officer Infantry, 12th Infantry Division
1940-04-01 1940-06-25 General Officer Commanding 8th Infantry Division
1940-07-01 1940-08-17 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Bourges
1940-08-17 1943-04-21 General Officer Commanding Territorial Division Meknès [Morocco]
1940-08-17 1943-04-21 General Officer Commanding Military Region Meknès [Morocco]
1943-04-21 1943-05-01 General Officer Commanding March Division Meknès [Morocco]
1943-05-01 1944-09-18 General Officer Commanding 2nd Moroccan Division [Italy]
1944-10-01 1946-06-01 Military-Governor of Metz
1944-10-01 1946-06-01 General Officer Commanding 21st Military Region
1945-12-28 1946-06-01 Inspector of Infantry
1946-06-01 Retired