The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Edmond-Lois Dosse

Dosse, Edmond-Lois


* 3rd of June 1874

† 27th of April 1949


1916-08-11 Lieutenant-Colonel
1918-12-25 Colonel
1925-11-10 Brigadier-General
1929-03-08 Major-General
1931-06-05 Lieutenant-General
1936-01-13 General


1919-02-17 1919-09-08 Chief of Staff, Army of the Orient
1925-06-23 1926-01-26 Commanding Officer Infantry, 11th Infantry Division
1926-01-26 1926-03-24 General Officer Commanding 128th Infantry Division
1926-03-24 1927-01-03 General Officer Commanding 3rd Infantry Division
1927-01-03 1927-10-25 Attending Centre des Hautes Etudes Militaires
1927-10-25 1928-04-07 Commanding Officer 53rd Infantry Brigade
1928-04-07 1930-02-08 Commandant of Centre d'Etudes de Montagne
1930-02-08 1931-06-05 General Officer Commanding 27th Infantry Division
1931-06-05 1932-04-15 General Officer Commanding 16th Military Region
1932-04-15 1936-05-25 Military-Governor of Lyon
1932-04-15 1936-05-25 General Officer Commanding 14th Military Region
1936-01-13 1939-06-03 Member of the Supreme War Council
1939-06-03 Retired
1939-11-03 Recalled
1939-11-03 1940-07-01 Inspector of Military Formations of the Interior except Colonial Troops
1940-07-01 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Frederic Dumait