The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Paul-André Doyen

Doyen, Paul-André


* 21st of June 1881

† 3rd of September 1974


1928-12-XX Lieutenant-Colonel
1933-06-24 Colonel
1936-12-23 Brigadier-General
1939-09-09 Major-General
1940-09-10 Lieutenant-General


1933-XX-XX 1936-XX-XX Commanding Officer 5th Alpine Infantry Demi-Brigade
1936-10-30 1939-02-02 Commanding Officer 53rd Alpine Infantry Brigade
1939-02-02 1940-05-21 General Officer Commanding 27th Infantry Division
1940-05-21 1940-06-23 General Officer Commanding XVIII Corps
1940-06-23 1940-07-01 General Officer Commanding 14th Military Region
1940-07-03 1940-09-12 Assistant General Officer Commanding 14th Military Region
1940-09-12 1941-08-07 Head of the French Mission, Armistice Commission at Wiesbaden
1941-08-07 Retired
1942-XX-XX 1944-XX-XX Arrested and placed in house arrest
1944-XX-XX Joins the Resistance
1945-02-01 Recalled
1945-02-01 1945-03-21 Inspector-General of Mountain Troops
1945-03-21 1945-09-04 General Officer Commanding Army Detachment of the Alps
1945-09-04 1946-03-15 General Officer Commanding IV Corps
1945-09-04 1946-03-15 Military-Governor of Lyon
1946-03-15 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous