The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops Boris Filippovich Dudakov

Dudakov, Boris Filippovich

Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops

* 4th of July 1901

† 21st of July 1962

(Борис Филиппович Дудаков)


1942-05-03 Major-General of Signal Troops
1954-05-31 Lieutenant-General of Signal Troops


1938-01-XX 1941-08-XX Chief of Signal Section, Transcaucasian Military District
1941-08-XX 1941-12-30 Chief of Signal Section, Transcaucasian Front
1941-12-30 1942-01-28 Chief of Signal Section, Caucasian Front
1942-01-28 1942-06-XX Chief of Signal Section, Crimean Front
1942-06-XX 1942-07-10 Chief of Signal Section, 9th Reserve Army
1942-07-10 1943-03-XX Chief of Signal Section, Voronezh Front
1943-03-XX 1943-12-XX Deputy Chief of Signal Section, Western Front
1943-12-XX 1944-04-XX Chief of Operational Signal Direction, 1st Directorate, Main signal Directorate
1944-04-XX 1944-10-XX Senior Assistant of the Soviet Military Mission to Yugoslavia
1944-10-XX 1945-06-XX Deputy Chief of Signal Section, Transbaikal Front
1945-06-XX 1946-08-XX Commanding Officer 9th Separate Signals Brigade
1946-08-XX 1950-05-XX Chief of Signal Section, Far Eastern Military District
1950-05-XX 1951-09-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1951-09-XX 1956-12-XX Chief of Signal Section, Soviet Group of Forces in Germany
1956-12-XX 1959-01-XX Inspector-General of Signals Troops, Main Inspection, Ministry of Defence
1959-01-23 Retired
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