The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Raymond-Francis Duval

Duval, Raymond-Francis


* 19th of September 1894

† 22nd of August 1955


1939-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-09-25 Colonel
1944-06-25 Brigadier-General
1946-10-20 Major-General
1951-02-07 Lieutenant-General
1954-08-01 General


1939-09-02 1940-06-22 Chief of 4th Bureau, 3rd Army
1940-07-02 1940-10-01 Chief of Staff, Department Pyrénées-Orientales
1940-10-01 1941-06-06 Director of Education, École Militaire Reconstituée
1941-06-06 1942-10-10 Military Attaché to Ankara
1942-10-10 1943-03-01 Commanding Officer 159th Infantry Regiment
1943-06-18 1943-10-26 Chief of the Military Cabinet to the Resident-General of Morocco
1943-09-16 1944-01-21 Director of Rear Areas, Corps Expéditionnaire Français [Italy]
1944-01-12 1944-05-21 Chief of Staff, III Corps
1944-05-21 1945-12-16 Commanding Officer Infantry, 3rd Algerian Infantry Division
1944-12-16 1945-01-31 Chief of the Military Cabinet to the Resident-General of Morocco
1945-01-31 1945-11-21 General Officer Commanding Territorial Division Constantine [Algeria]
1945-09-27 1949-11-09 General Officer Commanding Tunisia
1949-09-19 1955-08-22 General Officer Commanding Morocco
1951-01-01 1954-01-01 Member of the Supreme War Council
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous