The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Technical Troops Shakir Dzheksenbaevich Dzheksenbaev

Dzheksenbaev, Shakir Dzheksenbaevich

Major-General of Technical Troops

* 28th of February 1901

† 23rd of February 1988

(Шакир Джексенбаевич Джексенбаев)


1943-10-16 Major-General of Technical Troops


Senior Assistant Chief of Chemical Section, Western Theatre
Senior Assistant Chief of Chemical Section, Central Front
1942-XX-XX Chief of Chemical Section, Briansk Front
Acting Chief of Chemical Section, 3rd Army
Chief of Chemical Section, Leningrad Military District
Instructor at the Military Chemical Defence Academy
1946-XX-XX Deputy Head of Chemical Troops & Supply Directorate, Ground Forces
1949-XX-XX 1958-08-26 Senior Instructor at the Military Engineering Academy
1958-08-26 Retired
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