The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Paul-Henri-Romuald Ely

Ely, Paul-Henri-Romuald


* 17th of December 1897

† 16th of January 1975


1942-11-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1944-12-30 Temporary Colonel (Dated back to 1944-06-25)
1945-05-08 Temporary Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1945-03-25)
1945-09-01 Colonel (Dated back to 1944-06-25)
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1945-03-25) promotion: 20.05.1946 Major-General
1949-08-01 Lieutenant-General
1953-08-01 General


1941-06-13 1942-11-28 Commanding Officer 10th Chasseurs Battalion
1942-12-01 1943-01-28 On leave
1942-12-01 1943-07-15 Commanding Officer Ain, Organisation Résistance de l'Armée
1943-03-01 1943-04-08 Armistice leave
1943-04-08 1943-08-24 Attached to Army Liquidation Organisation
1943-04-15 1943-07-15 Clandestine Representative in Army Liquidation Organisation, Organisation Résistance de l'Armée
1943-07-15 1944-08-20 Assistant Commanding Officer Southern Zone, Organisation Résistance de l'Armée
1943-08-24 1943-10-15 Chief of French Liaison Delegation to Italian Armistice Commission
1943-10-15 1943-11-12 Chief of Staff, Regional Military Commissariat Châteauroux
1944-08-21 1945-03-23 Assistant Director of the French Forces of the Interior
1945-03-23 1945-12-08 Director of Infantry, Ministry of War
1945-12-08 1946-07-05 Attached to the Military Cabinet to the Minister of the Army
1946-07-05 1947-03-27 Director of the Military Cabinet to the Minister of the Army
1947-03-27 1947-09-18 At disposal of the Inspector-General of the Army
1947-09-18 1948-01-28 General Officer Commanding 7th Military Region
1948-01-28 1949-05-29 Chief of Staff to the Inspector-General of the Army
1949-05-29 1949-10-02 at disposal of the President of the Council of Ministers
1949-10-02 1953-08-18 French Representative on the Military Committee, Nato
1953-08-18 1954-06-03 Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces
1953-10-26 1959-02-12 Member of the Supreme War Council
1954-04-10 1955-05-27 General-Commissioner of Indochina
1954-04-10 1955-05-27 Commander in Chief Indochina
1955-05-27 1955-12-31 Member of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces
1956-03-02 1958-05-16 Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces
1956-03-02 1958-05-16 Inspector-General of the Armed Forces
1958-06-08 1959-02-11 Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces
1958-06-08 1959-02-11 President of Chief of Staffs' Committee
1958-06-08 1959-02-11 Inspector-General of the Armed Forces
1958-12-17 Retired, but remained employed
1959-02-12 1961-07-28 Chief of National Defence Staff
1961-07-28 Retired
Picture source: From "Current Biography, 1954"