The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Miya Enomoto

Enomoto, Miya


* 7th of May 1889

† 10th of April 1983

(榎本 宮)

(えのもと みや)


1930-08-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-08-01 Colonel
1939-05-19 Major-General


1933-11-01 1936-03-29 Attached to 5th Independent Garrison Infantry Battalion
1936-03-29 1937-08-02 Attached to the Imperial Guards Division
1937-08-02 1939-03-09 Commanding Officer Chiba Regimental District
1939-03-09 1940-12-02 Commandant of Iki Fortress
1940-12-02 Retired