The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Matvei Lukianovich Ermachek

Ermachek, Matvei Lukianovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 30th of October 1903

† 14th of November 1979

(Матвей Лукьянович Ермачек)


1938-12-03 Colonel
1944-02-18 Major-General of Tank Troops


1938-11-23 1940-07-26 Chief of 1st Section, Tank Forces, Central Asian Military District
1940-07-26 1941-04-14 Instructor at Leningrad Tank Officers Advanced Training Course
1941-04-14 1942-04-09 Chief of Training Section, Kazansk Tank School
1942-04-09 1943-01-28 Chief of Staff, 95th Tank Brigade
1943-01-28 1943-05-03 Acting Deputy Commanding Officer 95th Tank Brigade
1943-05-03 1943-08-21 Acting Commanding Officer 79th Tank Brigade
1943-08-21 1943-11-19 Commanding Officer 79th Tank Brigade
1943-11-19 Wounded
1943-11-19 1944-11-XX Hospitalised
1944-11-24 1945-01-09 At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1945-01-09 1945-12-24 Deputy Commanding Officer IX Guards Tank Corps
1945-12-24 1946-05-06 Acting Commanding Officer 14th Mechanised Division
1946-05-06 1946-09-11 Commanding Officer 14th Mechanised Division
1946-09-11 1947-06-30 Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, Odessa Military District
1947-06-30 1956-04-11 Commandant of Kiev Tank-Technical School
1956-04-11 Retired
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