The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Nikolai Dmitrievich Ermilov

Ermilov, Nikolai Dmitrievich


* 19th of December 1901

† 26th of August 1967


(Николай Дмитриевич Ермилов)


1944-04-08 Major-General


1939-07-XX 1941-06-XX Chief of Staff, 12th NKVD Rifle Division
1941-06-XX 1941-09-XX Commanding Officer 67th NKVD Rifle Brigade
1941-09-XX 1942-04-XX Commanding Officer 12th NKVD Rifle Division
1942-04-XX 1942-11-XX Deputy Commanding Officer NKVD Security Troops for the Protection of Especially Important Industrial Enterprises
1942-11-XX 1943-02-12 Deputy Commanding Officer XI Rifle Corps
1943-02-12 1943-02-19 Commanding Officer XI Rifle Corps
1943-03-XX 1943-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XI Rifle Corps
1943-07-XX 1946-03-XX Deputy Head of Industrial Site Security Troops Directorate, People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs NKVD
1946-03-XX 1947-01-XX Deputy Head of Industrial Site Security Troops Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs MVD
1947-01-XX 1947-11-XX Chief of Operations Section, Industrial Site & Railway Security Troops Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs MVD
1947-11-XX 1953-04-XX Deputy Head of Main Fire Fighting Directorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs MVD
1953-04-XX 1955-05-XX Head of Courses, Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs MVD
1955-05-XX 1957-10-XX Head of Fire-Technical Courses, Ministry of Internal Affairs MVD
1957-10-XX 1958-05-XX Assistant Commandant of of Saratovsk MVD Military School
1958-05-09 Retired
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