The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Petr Nikolaevich Esin

Esin, Petr Nikolaevich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 27th of May 1900

† 20th of November 1976

(Петр Николаевич Есин)


1939-10-29 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-10-29 Colonel
1944-08-02 Major-General of Tank Troops


1940-04-11 1940-07-20 Assistant Commanding Officer 27th Light Tank Brigade
1940-07-20 1941-08-29 Commanding Officer 46th Tank Regiment
1941-08-29 1942-01-14 Commanding Officer 142nd Tank Brigade
1942-11-10 1943-01-14 Head of 7th Directorate, Main Tank Directorate
1943-01-14 1946-07-05 Deputy Head of Armoured Trains & Armoured Vehicles Directorate
1946-07-05 1948-10-04 Inspector of Tank & Mechanised Forces, Main Inspection, Ground Forces
1948-10-04 1948-11-06 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1948-11-06 1952-12-12 Chief of 2nd Section, Military Educational Institutions Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1952-12-12 1953-05-12 Chief of 1st Section, Military Educational Institutions Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1953-05-12 1953-12-17 Chief of 2nd Section, Combat Training Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1953-12-17 1956-06-20 Deputy Chief of 1st Section, Military Educational Institutions Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1956-06-20 Retired
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