The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Louis-Eugène Faucher

Faucher, Louis-Eugène


* 8th of October 1874

† 30th of March 1964


1918-04-19 Lieutenant-Colonel
1921-03-25 Colonel
1926-02-07 Brigadier-General
1929-06-07 Major-General
1931-11-12 Lieutenant-General


Deputy Chief General Staff, Czechoslovakian Army
1926-02-25 1938-12-02 Head of the French Military Mission to Czechoslovakia
1939-09-08 1940-07-01 At disposal of the Army Chief General Staff for organizing a Czechoslovakian Legion
1943-XX-XX Entered the Resistance
1943-XX-XX 1944-01-29 Head of Resistance Region B (Bordeaux)
1944-01-29 1945-04-28 Arrested by the Germans
Picture source: Courtesy of John Redmond