The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Brigade-Commissar Dmitrii Tikhonovich Fesenko-Razin

Fesenko-Razin, Dmitrii Tikhonovich


* 1899

† 25th of March 1938

(Дмитрий Тихонович Фесенко-Разин)


1938-01-02 Brigade-Commissar


1931-07-XX 1934-03-XX Deputy Chief of the Political Section, 26th Rifle Division
1934-03-XX Assistant Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, Poltavsk Fortified Area
1934-03-XX Chief of the Political Section, Poltavsk Fortified Area
1937-06-XX Chief of the Political Section, 105th Rifle Division
1937-06-XX 1938-03-25 Arrested
1938-03-25 Condemned to death
1938-03-25 Executed
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko