The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Émile-Maurice-Claudius-Alexandre Feuillat

Feuillat, Émile-Maurice-Claudius-Alexandre


* 15th of September 1892

† 14th of August 1976


1938-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-03-25 Colonel
1944-08-20 Brigadier-General
1944-10-01 Reverted to Colonel
1946-07-01 Brigadier-General
1950-03-17 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1945-10-12)


1940-05-12 Head of 3rd Bureau, Army General Staff
1940-05-12 1940-10-10 Assistant Head of Personnel Bureau, Grand Quartier General
1940-10-10 1942-01-01 Chief of Personnel Section, Army General Staff
1942-01-01 1942-05-20 Deputy Director of Military Personnel
1942-05-20 1942-11-27 Commanding Officer 92nd Infantry Regiment
1942-11-27 1943-07-05 On leave
1943-08-11 1944-05-03 Commanding Officer Military Sub-Division Puy-de-Dôme
1944-05-03 Arrested by the Germans
1944-05-03 1945-05-14 Imprisoned
1945-05-14 1945-07-13 On leave
1945-10-12 Retired