The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General François-Marie-Jacques Fougère

Fougère, François-Marie-Jacques


* 26th of May 1881

† 18th of July 1954


1926-06-26 Lieutenant-Colonel
1928-12-25 Colonel
1933-03-20 Brigadier-General
1937-09-18 Major-General
1940-07-22 Lieutenant-General


1927-XX-XX Temporary Commanding Officer 63rd Artillery Regiment
1933-06-20 1936-07-15 General Officer Commanding Artillery, Morocco
1936-07-15 1936-08-23 At disposal of the General Officer Commander in Chief of the Levant
1936-08-23 1938-02-12 General Officer Commanding Southern Territories Syria
1938-05-05 1940-02-02 General Officer Commanding Territorial Division Marrakech [Morocco]
1940-02-02 1940-07-15 General Officer Commanding XXIV Corps
1940-07-15 1940-12-29 General Officer Commander in Chief Levant
1940-12-29 1941-05-26 Assistant General Officer Commander in Chief Levant
1941-05-26 Retired