The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Henri Fournier

Fournier, Henri


* 27th of March 1877

† 18th of February 1945


1924-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1928-03-25 Colonel
1932-08-07 Brigadier-General
1936-12-23 Major-General
1944-08-10 Lieutenant-General


1927-XX-XX 1928-XX-XX Commanding Officer 313th Artillery Regiment
1931-06-09 1933-07-16 Assistant Director of Artillery, Ministry of War
1933-07-16 1933-10-16 On leave
1933-10-16 1935-10-06 Inspector-General of Munitions
1935-10-06 1936-11-30 Commanding Officer 21st Artillery Brigade
1936-11-30 1939-03-27 General Officer Commanding Artillery, 20th Military Region
1939-03-27 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1940-01-01 General Officer Commanding Artillery, 5th Army
1940-01-01 1940-06-25 General Officer Commanding 20th Military Region
1940-06-25 1945-02-18 Prisoner of War
1945-02-18 Died in Prisoner of War Camp
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