The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Brigadier Richard Francis O'Donnel Gage

Gage, Richard Francis O'Donnel


* 29th of November 1897

† 19th of February 1973


1943-03-01 Temporary Brigadier


1940-XX-XX Assistant Director of Transportation North Western Expeditionary Force
1940-XX-XX 1942-XX-XX Assistant Director of Transportation ?
1942-XX-XX Chief Engineer ?
1942-08-30 1943-01-01 Director of Transportation, 1st Army [North Africa]
1943-01-01 1944-03-18 Chief of Transportation, Allied Force Headquarters [North Africa]
1943-02-XX 1944-03-18 Deputy Director-General of Military Railways, Allied Force Headquarters [North Africa]
1945-09-05 Director of Transportation, War Office