The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Major-General Enzo Emilio Galbiati

Galbiati, Enzo Emilio


* 23rd of May 1897

† 23rd of May 1982



1923-07-01 Console
1933-07-01 Console Generale
1939-12-23 Luogetenente Generale


1923-XX-XX Commanding Officer 25th Black Shirt Legion "Ferrea"
1927-04-XX 1927-06-XX Commanding Officer 116th Black Shirt legion "Sabina"
1927-06-XX 1928-06-XX Commanding Officer 102nd Black Shirt legion "Cacciatori del Tevere"
1928-07-XX 1931-03-XX Commanding Officer 8th Black Shirt legion "Cacciatori delle Alpi"
1931-04-XX 1933-06-XX Commanding Officer 1st Black Shirt legion "Sabauda"
1933-07-01 1935-10-XX Commanding Officer 21st Black Shirt Battalion Group
1935-10-XX Commanding Officer 219th Black Shirt Legion "Vittorio Veneto" [East Africa]
1937-05-XX 1940-XX-XX Inspector-General of University Militia, Volunteer Militia for National Secturity
1939-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Black Shirt Units, Army Group East
1940-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Black Shirt Units, 7th Army
1940-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Black Shirt Units, 11th Army [Greece]
1941-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Black Shirt Group "Galbiati" [Greece]
1941-05-15 1943-07-28 Chief of Staff, Voluntary Militia for National Security
1943-07-28 1943-09-12 Arrested
Picture source: Courtesy of Valdis Kursietis