The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Army General Kuzma Nikitovich Galitskii

Galitskii, Kuzma Nikitovich

Army General

* 24th of October 1897

† 14th of March 1973

(Кузьма Никитович Галицкий)


1935-11-16 Colonel
1938-02-20 Kombrig
1940-06-04 Major-General
1943-01-30 Lieutenant-General
1944-06-28 Colonel-General
1955-08-08 Army General


1931-11-XX 1934-01-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Rifle Regiment
1934-01-XX 1934-05-XX Deputy Chief of Combat Training Section, Moscow Military District
1934-05-XX 1937-09-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 3rd Rifle Division
1937-09-XX 1937-11-XX Chief of Staff, Kharkov Military District
1937-11-XX 1938-07-XX Commanding Officer 90th Rifle Division
1938-07-XX 1939-05-XX Under investigation
1939-05-XX 1939-12-23 At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1939-12-23 1941-12-27 Commanding Officer 24th Rifle Division
1941-12-XX 1942-02-27 Wounded and hospitalised
1942-02-27 1942-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Shock Army
1942-03-XX 1942-08-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1942-08-XX 1942-09-18 Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Shock Army
1942-09-18 1943-11-20 Commanding Officer 3rd Shock Army
1943-11-26 1945-05-XX Commanding Officer 11th Guards Army
1945-07-09 1946-02-27 Commander in Chief Special Military District
1946-02-26 1946-10-24 Commanding Officer 11th Guards Army
1946-10-07 1951-11-29 Commander in Chief Carpathian Military District
1951-11-29 1954-05-27 Commander in Chief Odessa Military District
1954-05-XX 1955-04-XX Commander in Chief Moscow Air Defence Region
1955-04-06 1958-01-11 Commander in Chief Northern Group of Forces
1958-01-11 1961-06-04 Commander in Chief Transcaucasian Military District
1961-06-XX 1962-01-31 At disposal of the Ministry of Defence
1962-01-31 Retired
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