The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Aviation Dmitrii Pavlovich Galunov

Galunov, Dmitrii Pavlovich

Lieutenant-General of Aviation

* 8th of February 1904

† 28th of October 1990

(Дмитрий Павлович Галунов)


1943-03-17 Major-General of Aviation
1959-05-25 Lieutenant-General of Aviation


1938-07-XX 1938-11-XX Commanding Officer 8th Aviation Brigade
1938-11-XX 1939-04-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1939-04-XX 1940-08-08 Commanding Officer 8th Aviation Brigade
1940-08-08 1941-09-15 Commanding Officer 21st Mixed Aviation Division
1941-09-XX 1941-10-18 Commanding Officer Air Forces, 12th Army
1941-10-18 1942-01-XX Commanding Officer 5th Reserve Aviation Division
1942-01-XX 1942-05-18 Commanding Officer Air Forces, 57th Army
1942-05-18 1943-05-08 Commanding Officer 217th Fighter Aviation Division
1943-05-08 1943-07-05 Commanding Officer 8th Guards Fighter Aviation Division
1943-07-05 1944-09-XX Commanding Officer V Fighter Aviation Corps
1944-09-XX 1946-09-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 12th Air Army
1946-09-XX 1949-02-XX Commanding Officer XII Mixed Aviation Corps
1949-02-XX 1949-11-XX Commanding Officer LVII Mixed Aviation Corps
1949-11-XX 1950-12-XX Commanding Officer 48th Air Army
1950-12-XX 1954-01-XX At disposal of the 10th Section, 2nd Directorate, General Staff
1951-02-XX 1954-01-XX On mission to China
1954-01-XX 1955-11-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1955-11-XX 1956-08-XX Deputy Head of Combat Training Directorate, Air Force
1956-08-XX 1959-10-XX Commanding Officer 69th Air Army
1959-10-XX 1961-03-01 Military Adviser to the North Korean Air Force
1961-03-01 Retired
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