The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Maurice-Gustave Gamelin

Gamelin, Maurice-Gustave


* 20th of September 1872

† 18th of April 1958


1914-11-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1916-04-04 Colonel
1916-12-11 Temporary Brigadier-General
1919-09-23 Brigadier-General
1925-12-03 Major-General
1927-11-12 Lieutenant-General
1931-02-09 General


1914-03-23 1915-07-XX Chief of Cabinet to the Commander in Chief Northern & North-Eastern Theatre of Operations
1915-07-XX 1916-02-03 Chief of 3rd Bureau, General Headquarters
1916-02-03 1916-03-01 Commanding Officer 3rd Chasseurs Brigade
1916-03-01 1916-11-20 Commanding Officer 2nd Chasseurs Brigade
1916-11-20 1916-12-11 Commanding Officer Infantry, 47th Infantry Division
1916-12-11 1916-12-19 General Officer Commanding 168th Infantry Division
1916-12-19 1916-12-26 Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the French Armies
1917-01-01 1917-05-07 Chief of Staff, Reserve Army Group
1917-05-07 1919-01-12 General Officer Commanding 9th Infantry Division
1919-01-12 1919-02-01 Commanding Officer 51st Infantry Brigade
1919-02-01 1919-02-04 At disposal
1919-02-04 1925-01-10 Head of the French Military Mission to Brazil
1925-01-10 1925-04-14 At disposal
1925-04-14 1925-08-05 Attached to 2nd Bureau, Army General Staff
1925-08-05 1925-09-02 Attached to the Staff of General Gourau as Member of the Supreme War Council
1925-09-02 1925-12-02 General Officer Commanding the Troops in the Levant
1925-09-02 1925-12-02 Assistant High-Commissioner in Syria
1925-12-02 1928-12-15 General Officer Commander in Chief Levant
1929-02-19 1930-01-02 General Officer Commanding 20th Military Region
1930-01-02 1931-02-09 First Deputy Chief of the Army General Staff
1931-02-09 1940-05-19 Chief of the Army General Staff
1931-02-09 1935-01-21 Member of Supreme War Council
1935-01-21 1939-09-02 Vice President of Supreme War Council
1938-01-21 1940-05-19 Chief of National Defence Staff
1939-09-02 1940-05-19 Commander in Chief of Land & Air Forces
1939-09-02 1940-05-19 Commander in Chief Allied Forces in France
1940-05-19 Retired
1942-XX-XX Accused in Riom Trail
1943-04-05 Arrested by the Germans
1943-04-05 1945-05-07 Imprisoned
Picture source: Courtesy by Frederic Dumait