The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Joanny-Jules-Marcel Garchery

Garchery, Joanny-Jules-Marcel


* 16th of June 1876

† 25th of April 1961


1918-06-28 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1918-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1930-07-16 Brigadier-General
1934-06-08 Major-General
1936-05-25 Lieutenant-General
1938-05-21 General


1918-XX-XX 1919-XX-XX Commanding Officer 178th Infantry Regiment
1921-08-XX 1923-04-XX Deputy Head of 4th Bureau, Army
1924-12-XX 1928-01-XX Chief of Staff, Army of the Orient [Levant]
1928-01-XX 1929-04-08 Commanding Officer Troops Lebanon [Levant]
1930-07-16 1932-05-12 Commanding Officer 85th Infantry Brigade
1932-05-12 1934-09-12 At disposal in the Levant
1934-09-12 1936-05-25 General Officer Commanding 25th Infantry Division
1936-05-25 1938-05-21 General Officer Commanding 14th Military Region
1936-05-25 1938-05-21 Military-Governor of Lyon
1938-05-21 1939-09-02 Member of the Supreme War Council
1938-09-04 1939-09-02 Inspector-General of Infantry
1939-09-02 1940-05-21 General Officer Commanding 8th Army
1940-05-21 1940-08-20 At disposal
1940-08-20 Retired
Picture source: From: "Le Dimanche du Journal de Roubaix", 1939-10-29