The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Herbert Stuart Gaskell

Gaskell, Herbert Stuart


* 24th of April 1882

† 24th of December 1957

(Royal Engineers)


1918-02-14 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1920-01-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1920-12-16 Relinquish the Acting rank of Lieutenant-Colonel
1926-01-13 Lieutenant-Colonel
1928-12-23 Colonel (Dated back to 1923-01-01)
1932-12-13 Temporary Brigadier
1935-06-21 Major-General


1918-02-14 1920-12-16 Commander Royal Engineers, Lines of Communications, Persian Expeditionary Force
1924-10-XX 1926-10-09 Assistant Commander Royal Engineers, ? [India]
1926-10-09 1927-02-05 Commander Royal Engineers, Poona District [India]
1927-02-06 1928-12-22 Commander Royal Engineers, Deccan District [India]
1928-12-23 1931-09-26 Deputy Engineer in Chief, Army Headquarters India
1931-09-27 1932-12-12 Deputy Chief Engineer, Northern Command [India]
1932-12-13 1935-10-01 Chief Engineer, Northern Command [India]
1935-10-02 1936-03-16 Half-pay
1936-03-16 1939-XX-XX Engineer in Chief, Army Headquarters India
1939-10-01 Retired
1940-05-17 1950-04-24 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Engineers
1940-05-25 Recalled
1940-05-25 1940-06-08 Chief Engineer, Home Forces
Picture source: NPG x167764, National Portrait Gallery, London