The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Medical-Inspector-General Maurice-Marie-Joseph Gauthier

Gauthier, Maurice-Marie-Joseph


* 20th of May 1887

† 18th of March 1950


1934-06-25 Medical-Lieutenant-Colonel
1938-03-25 Medical-Colonel
1941-04-01 Medical-General (Dated back to 1941-02-20)
1943-06-01 Temporary Medical-Inspector-General
1945-09-01 Medical-Inspector-General


1939-09-02 1940-06-25 Director of Medical Services, 2nd Army
1940-06-25 1940-10-03 Chief Surgeon, Auch Sub-Division
1940-10-03 1941-05-29 Director of Medical Services, Constantine Territorial Division [Algeria]
1941-05-29 1942-11-11 President of the Reform Commission, Algiers [Algeria]
1942-11-11 1946-04-16 Director of Medical Services, 19th Military Region
1946-04-16 1946-10-01 Neuropsychiatry Consultant, Medical Services, Ministry of War
1946-10-01 Retired