The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Komkor Anatolii Ilich Gekker

Gekker, Anatolii Ilich


* 25th of August 1880

† 1st of July 1937

(Анатолий Ильич Геккер)


1935-11-20 Komkor


1917-XX-XX 1918-XX-XX Commanding Officer 8th Army
1918-03-XX 1918-05-XX Commanding Officer Donetsk Army
1918-05-XX 1918-07-XX Commander in Chief White Sea Military District
1918-07-XX 1918-12-XX Commanding Officer Vologda Rear Area
1918-12-XX 1919-02-XX Commanding Officer Astrakhan Fortified Area
1919-02-XX 1919-04-XX Commanding Officer 13th Rifle Division
1919-04-16 1920-02-18 Commanding Officer 13the Army
1920-04-XX 1920-07-XX Chief of Staff, Internal Security Troops, Russian SFSR
1920-09-19 1921-04-29 Commanding Officer 11th Army
1921-05-XX 1922-01-XX Commanding Officer Separate Caucasian Army
1922-01-XX 1922-08-XX Commandant of the Military Academy
1922-08-XX 1925-06-XX Military Attaché to China
1925-XX-XX 1929-XX-XX Member of the Board, Chinese Eastern Railway
1929-07-XX 1933-12-XX Military Attaché to Turkey
1933-12-XX 1934-06-XX At disposal of the Main Army Directorate
1934-06-XX 1935-XX-XX Chief of 4th Section, Intelligence Directorate
1935-XX-XX 1936-XX-XX Chief of 6th Section, Intelligence Directorate
1936-XX-XX 1937-02-XX Chief of 11th Section, Intelligence Directorate
1937-02-XX 1937-05-30 At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1937-05-30 1937-07-01 Arrested
1937-07-01 Condemned to death
1937-07-01 Executed
1956-08-22 Executed
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