The Generals of WWII

Generals from USA Flag for USA
Portrait of Brigadier-General Harold Huston George

George, Harold Huston


* 14th of September 1892

† 29th of April 1942


Nickname: Hal


1941-05-XX Brigadier-General


1936-09-XX 1937-06-XX Attending the Air Corps Tactical School
1937-09-XX 1938-06-XX Attending the Command & General Staff School
1940-02-XX 1941-05-XX Commanding Officer 31st Pursuit Group
1941-12-08 1941-12-17 Chief of Staff, 5th Interceptor Command (Provisional) [Philippines]
1942-03-17 1942-XX-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Material & Logistics (A-4), Far East Air Force
1942-04-29 Killed in an airplane crash
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