The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Colonel-General of Artillery Anton Vladimirovich Gerasimov

Gerasimov, Anton Vladimirovich

Colonel-General of Artillery

* 14th of August 1900

† 23rd of July 1978

(Антон Владимирович Герасимов)


1941-10-28 Major-General of Artillery
1944-11-18 Lieutenant-General of Artillery
1956-11-26 Colonel-General of Artillery


1931-10-XX 1934-12-XX Chief of Staff, 2nd Artillery Division
1934-12-XX 1939-08-XX Military Attaché to Germany
1939-08-XX 1939-11-XX At disposal of the 5th Directorate
1939-11-XX 1940-07-27 Chief of Special Group, 5th Directorate
1940-07-27 1940-08-26 Deputy Chief of 10th Section, 5th Directorate
1940-08-26 1941-06-XX Chief of External Relations Intelligence Section, General Staff
1941-06-XX 1941-07-20 Chief of Staff, Moscow Air Defence Zone 20.07.41-12.09.41: Commanding Officer 7th Motorised Rifle Division
1941-09-12 1941-09-22 Commanding Officer 7th Rifle Division
1941-09-22 1941-11-XX Chief of Staff, Moscow Air Defence Zone
1941-11-XX 1942-04-XX Commanding Officer Cherepovetsk-Vologodsk Air Defence Division Area
1942-04-XX 1943-07-XX First Deputy Commander in Chief Moscow Air Defence Front
1943-07-XX 1945-02-XX First Deputy Commanding Officer Moscow Special Air Defence Army
1943-07-XX 1945-02-XX Chief of Staff, Moscow Special Air Defence Army
1944-02-XX 1945-04-XX Chief of Staff, Central Air Defence Front
1945-04-XX 1946-05-XX Commanding Officer Primorsk Air Defence Army
1946-05-XX 1947-02-XX Commander in Chief Far Eastern Air Defence District
1947-02-XX 1952-07-XX Commandant of the Military Artillery Radio Technical Academy
1952-07-XX 1953-09-XX Deputy Commander in Chief of Air Defence Forces
1953-09-XX 1954-05-XX Deputy Chief of the General Staff
1954-05-XX 1957-02-XX Deputy Commander in Chief of Air Defence Forces
1957-02-XX 1964-04-XX Deputy Minister of Defence
1964-04-XX 1970-09-29 First Deputy Minister of Defence
1964-04-XX 1970-09-29 First Deputy Chief of the General Staff
1970-09-29 1978-07-23 Inspector-Counsellor, Group of Inspector-Generals, Ministry of Defence
Picture source:Герасимов,_Антон_Владимирович