The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Mikhail Nikanorovich Gerasimov

Gerasimov, Mikhail Nikanorovich


* 27th of February 1894

† 6th of May 1962

(Михаил Никанорович Герасимов)


1935-11-26 Kombrig
1940-02-20 Komdiv
1940-06-04 Lieutenant-General


1919-11-XX 1920-03-XX Commanding Officer 13th Rifle Regiment
1920-03-XX 1922-09-XX Commanding Officer 4th Rifle Brigade
1922-09-XX 1924-04-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 5th Rifle Division
1924-04-XX 1928-06-XX Commanding Officer 33rd Rifle Division
1928-06-XX 1930-01-XX Commanding Officer 5th Rifle Division
1930-01-XX 1935-06-XX Deputy Inspector of Physical Training
1935-06-XX 1936-04-XX Deputy Chief of Water Training Section, General Staff
1936-04-XX 1940-07-XX Deputy Head of Combat Training Directorate
1940-07-09 1941-08-05 Commanding Officer XIX Rifle Corps
1941-08-06 1941-09-08 Commanding Officer 23rd Army
1941-09-08 At disposal of the Leningrad Front
1942-06-XX 1942-09-XX Head of the Monitoring Group for the formation of Marching Reinforcements in the Military Districts
At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1943-10-XX 1944-01-XX Deputy Commander in Chief Kalinin Front
1944-01-XX 1944-08-16 Deputy Commander in Chief 2nd Baltic Front
1944-08-16 1944-10-15 Commanding Officer 3rd Shock Army
1944-10-XX 1946-06-XX Chief Inspector of Infantry
1946-06-XX 1948-06-XX Deputy Inspector-General of Rifle Troops, Main Inspection, Ground Forces
1948-06-XX Inspector-General of Rifle Troops, Main Inspection, Ground Forces
1950-08-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1950-08-XX 1951-02-XX Assistant Commander in Chief Taurian Military District
1951-02-XX 1953-07-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1953-07-XX Retired
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