The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Auguste-Jean Gilliot

Gilliot, Auguste-Jean


* 6th of June 1890

† 1st of April 1972


1939-09-24 Colonel
1942-02-20 Brigadier-General
1945-06-25 Major-General
1949-09-26 Lieutenant-General


1939-08-21 1940-03-04 Commanding Officer 152nd Infantry Regiment
1940-03-04 1940-05-26 Deputy Chief of Staff, 5th Army
1940-05-26 1940-06-29 Chief of Staff, 4th Army
1940-06-29 1942-02-01 Chief of Staff, 13th Military Division
1942-02-01 1943-04-10 Deputy Director of Armistice Services, Ministry of War
1943-04-10 1943-06-13 On leave
1943-06-13 Arrested by the Germans
1943-06-13 1945-05-16 Imprisoned
1945-05-17 1945-06-16 On leave after captivity
1945-06-16 1945-07-20 At disposal
1945-07-20 1946-03-04 General Officer Commanding 20th Military Region
1946-03-04 1946-05-24 General Officer Commanding 6th Military Region
1946-05-24 1949-06-06 Military-Governor of Metz
1949-06-06 Retired
1961-04-28 Recalled
1961-04-28 1961-07-31 Member of the Supreme Military Tribunal
1961-07-31 Retired
1962-02-13 Recalled
1962-02-13 1962-05-26 Member of the Supreme Military Tribunal
1962-09-19 1968-10-01 Vice-President of the Military Court
1968-10-01 Retired