The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Henri-Honoré Giraud

Giraud, Henri-Honoré


* 18th of January 1879

† 11th of March 1949


1924-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1927-06-25 Colonel
1930-12-22 Brigadier-General
1934-03-11 Major-General
1936-04-11 Lieutenant-General
1939-06-03 General


1927-XX-XX Commanding Officer 17th Algerian Regiment [Morocco]
1927-10-20 1930-XX-XX Professor at the École de Guerre
1930-03-01 1934-04-18 Commanding Officer Morocco-Algerian Border Area
1934-04-18 1936-04-11 General Officer Commanding Division Oran [Morocco]
1936-04-11 1939-09-03 General Officer Commanding 6th Military Region
1936-04-11 1939-09-03 Military-Governor of Metz
1939-06-03 1939-09-02 Member of the Supreme War Council
1939-09-02 1940-05-19 General Officer Commanding 7th Army
1940-05-19 General Officer Commanding 9th Army
1940-05-19 1942-04-17 Prisoner of War Germany
1942-04-17 Escaped
1942-12-26 1943-06-22 Commander in Chief French North Africa
1943-06-22 1943-08-04 Commander in Chief French North & West Africa
1943-06-30 1943-10-03 Co-President of the French Committee of National Liberation
1943-08-04 1944-04-04 Commander in Chief of the Military Forces
1945-XX-XX 1949-03-11 Member of Supreme War Council
Picture source: Courtesy by Frederic Dumait