The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Aleksandr Vasilevich Gladkov

Gladkov, Aleksandr Vasilevich


* 22nd of June 1902

† 3rd of April 1969

(Александр Васильевич Гладков)


1944-06-03 Major-General


1937-03-XX 1937-10-12 Commanding Officer 54th Motorised Cossack Regiment
1937-03-XX 1937-10-12 Military Commissar, 54th Motorised Cossack Regiment
1937-10-12 1939-05-27 Arrested
1939-05-27 Released
1939-05-27 1939-07-XX At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1939-07-XX 1940-07-29 Instructor at Cavalry Commanders' Advanced Training Course, Northern Caucasian Military District
1940-07-29 1941-07-12 Commanding Officer 18th Motorised Rifle Regiment
1941-07-12 1941-09-01 Wounded and hospitalised
1941-09-01 1941-10-25 Commanding Officer 112th Motorised Rifle Division
1941-10-25 1941-11-23 Commanding Officer 129th Motorised Rifle Division
1941-11-XX 1942-03-12 Commanding Officer 100th Cavalry Division
1942-04-XX 1942-08-XX Instructor at Cavalry Commanders' Advanced Training Course, Moscow
1942-08-XX 1942-10-28 Deputy Commanding Officer 63rd Cavalry Division
1942-10-28 1943-04-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1943-04-XX 1943-08-24 At disposal of the Commander in Chief of Cavalry
1943-08-24 1945-01-27 Commanding Officer 112th Rifle Division
1945-01-27 1946-01-XX Wounded and hospitalised
1946-01-XX 1946-08-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1946-08-XX 1952-12-30 Head of Automotive Base, Main Staff, Ground Forces
1952-12-30 Retired
Picture source:Гладков,_Александр_Васильевич