The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Colonel-General Ivan Semenovich Glebov

Glebov, Ivan Semenovich


* 21st of September 1903

† 23rd of August 1993

(Иван Семенович Глебов)


1943-02-04 Major-General
1944-09-13 Lieutenant-General
1958-02-18 Colonel-General


1941-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Artillery, VI Rifle Corps
1941-07-XX 1941-08-XX Chief of Staff, VI Rifle Corps
1941-08-XX 1941-09-XX Chief of Operations Section, Southwestern Front
1941-09-XX 1942-07-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Southwestern Front
1942-08-25 1942-10-22 Chief of Staff, 4th Tank Army
1942-10-22 1943-11-26 Chief of Staff, 65th Army
1943-11-26 1945-07-09 Chief of Staff, 48th Army
1945-XX-XX 1955-XX-XX Head of Operational Training Directorate General Staff
1955-XX-XX 1957-XX-XX Deputy Chief of Staff, Ground Forces
1957-XX-XX 1958-XX-XX Deputy Chief Military Adviser to China
1957-XX-XX 1958-XX-XX Adviser to the Chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, China
1958-XX-XX 1969-XX-XX Head of Campaign Tactics Department , Military Academy of the General Staff
1972-09-18 Retired
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