The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Malcom Glover

Glover, Malcom


* 25th of July 1897

† 26th of November 1970

(14th Punjab Regiment)

(Indian Army)


1940-07-01 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-10-01 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-10-15 Acting Colonel
1941-10-15 Acting Brigadier
1942-04-15 Temporary Brigadier
1942-04-18 Lieutenant-Colonel
1944-10-20 Acting Major-General
1945-10-20 War Substantive Colonel
1945-10-20 Temporary Major-General
1946-07-28 Colonel (Dated back to 1945-04-18)
1948-04-27 Granted the Honorary rank of Major-General
1949-09-15 Colonel (Dated back to 1945-04-18)(Retaining his Honorary rank)


1940-07-01 1941-10-14 Assistant Master-General of Ordnance, Army Headquarters India
1941-10-15 1942-04-20 Brigadier General Staff, Northern Command [India]
1942-04-21 1943-10-19 Brigadier General Staff, North Western Command
1943-XX-XX 1944-XX-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Indian Brigade
1944-10-20 Director of Organization, Army Headquarters India
1946-XX-XX 1948-XX-XX Deputy Adjutant-General, Army Headquarters India
1948-04-27 Retired