The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Vladimir Alekseevich Gluzdovskii

Gluzdovskii, Vladimir Alekseevich


* 27th of May 1903

† 16th of November 1967

(Владимир Алексеевич Глуздовский)


1942-05-03 Major-General
1943-09-09 Lieutenant-General


1939-10-XX 1940-10-XX Military Adviser to China 00.01.40-12.07.41: Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Motorised Rifle Division
1941-07-12 1941-10-XX Acting Commanding Officer 1st Motorised Rifle Division
1941-10-XX 1941-10-11 Deputy Chief of Staff, 26th Army
1941-10-XX 1941-10-11 Chief of Operations Section, 26th Army
1941-10-11 1941-10-25 Chief of Staff, 5th Army
1941-10-26 1943-02-27 Chief of Staff, 31st Army
1943-02-27 1944-05-27 Commanding Officer 31st Army
1944-05-27 1944-08-27 At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1944-08-27 1944-12-07 Commanding Officer 7th Army
1944-12-07 1946-01-XX Commanding Officer 6th Army
1946-01-XX 1951-07-XX Head of the Military History Department, Frunze Military Academy
1951-07-XX 1955-01-XX Head of the Higher Tactics Department, Frunze Military Academy
1955-01-XX 1956-01-05 First Deputy Commander in Chief Volga Military District 00.01.55-05.01.56: Chief of Staff, Volga Military District
1956-01-06 1956-04-04 First Deputy Commander in Chief Taurian Military District
1956-01-06 1956-04-04 Chief of Staff, Taurian Military District
1956-07-XX 1960-09-XX Chief of Staff, Transbaikal Military District
1960-09-XX 1961-02-14 At disposal of the Ministry of Defence
1961-02-14 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Boris Kharlamov