The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Claude le Bas Goldney

Goldney, Claude le Bas


* 4th of December 1887

† 2nd of January 1978

(Royal Army Service Corps)


1934-09-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1938-06-16 Brevet Colonel (Dated back to 1937-06-16)
1938-08-17 Colonel (Dated back to 1937-06-16)
1939-08-01 Temporary Brigadier
1941-12-22 Acting Major-General
1942-12-22 Temporary Major-General


1938-08-16 1939-07-07 Assistant Director of Supplies & Transport, British Troops in Egypt
1939-08-01 1939-09-01 Deputy Director of Supplies & Transport, Aldershot Command
1939-09-02 1940-XX-XX Deputy Director of Supplies & Transport, I Corps [France]
1940-XX-XX Deputy Director of Supplies & Transport, III Corps [France]
1940-06-22 Deputy Director of Supplies & Transport, Northern Command
1941-XX-XX 1944-XX-XX Director of Supplies & Transport, Middle East Command
1942-12-01 1944-07-29 Aide-de-Camp to the King
1942-12-04 Retired, but remain employed
1944-XX-XX Retired