The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Robert Burrell Frederick Kingslake Goldsmith

Goldsmith, Robert Burrell Frederick Kingslake


* 21st of June 1907

† 7th of April 1995

(Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry)


1941-06-24 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-09-24 War Substantive Major
1941-09-24 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-11-30 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-05-14 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1944-01-29 Major
1944-08-15 Acting Colonel
1944-08-15 Acting Brigadier
1945-02-15 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1945-02-15 Temporary Colonel
1945-02-15 Temporary Brigadier
1945-07-09 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Brigadier
1945-07-09 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Colonel
1949-06-02 Lieutenant-Colonel
1950-01-02 Temporary Brigadier
1951-01-09 Colonel
1955-01-18 Brigadier
1956-11-16 Temporary Major-General
1957-08-12 Major-General


1941-06-24 1941-11-30 Special employed, ?
1942-09-19 1942-11-24 General Staff Officer 1, ?
1942-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, South Lancashire Regiment
1943-04-28 1944-08-19 General Staff Officer 1, 1st Airborne Division [Sicily]
1944-08-15 1945-03-09 Deputy Chief of Staff, 1st Allied Airborne Army [Northwestern Europe]
1946-11-05 1949-01-10 General Staff Officer 1, ?
1950-01-02 1951-08-24 Commanding Officer 131st Infantry Brigade
1951-09-26 1954-09-19 Chief of Staff, British Troops in Egypt
1954-11-01 1956-09-23 Deputy Director of Personnel Services (A), War Office
1956-11-16 1959-10-07 Chief of Staff, Western Command
1957-08-27 1959-10-05 Colonel, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
1959-10-29 1962-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Catterick Area
1960-04-01 1963-08-31 Colonel, Somerset & Cornwall Light Infantry
1962-10-13 Retired
Picture source: NPG x89433, National Portrait Gallery, London