The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General François-Jean-Antonin-Marie-Amédée Gonzalez de Linares

Gonzalez de Linares, François-Jean-Antonin-Marie-Amédée


* 7th of July 1897

† 2nd of March 1955


1942-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1944-03-25 Colonel
1944-11-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-11-25)
1948-04-20 Major-General
1951-12-01 Lieutenant-General


1943-01-XX 1943-07-XX Chief of Military Cabinet, French Expeditionary Corps
1943-03-19 1944-XX-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Algerian Regiment [Italy]
1943-07-XX 1943-XX-XX Member of the French Military Mission in London
1944-09-15 1945-02-16 Vice Chief of Staff, 1st Army
1945-02-16 1945-04-14 Chief of Staff, 1st Army
1945-04-14 1945-08-22 General Officer Commanding 2nd Moroccan Division
1945-08-22 1946-04-10 President of the Committee for Revision of the Infantry Regulations
1946-04-10 1950-03-06 General Officer Commanding 2nd Infantry Division
1950-03-06 1951-01-17 General Officer Commanding 3rd Military Region
1951-02-07 1953-05-23 General Officer Commanding French Forces North Vietnam
1951-02-07 1953-05-23 High Commissioner in North Vietnam
1952-07-29 1952-09-20 Temporary Commander in Chief Indochina
1953-09-02 1955-03-02 Inspector-General of Infantry
1954-01-01 1955-03-02 Member of the Supreme War Council
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous