The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Brigadier Eric Whitlock Goodman

Goodman, Eric Whitlock


* 12th of February 1893

† 8th of December 1981


1939-07-28 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-09-01 Acting Colonel
1941-02-01 Acting Brigadier
1941-03-01 Temporary Colonel
1941-06-28 Reverted to Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-07-01 Temporary Colonel
1941-07-01 Acting Brigadier
1941-08-04 Temporary Brigadier
1946-06-19 Colonel (Dated Back to 1942-07-28)
1948-07-19 Granted the honorary rank of Brigadier


1939-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Commanding Officer 21st Mountain Regiment Royal Artillery
1940-09-01 1941-01-31 Commander Royal Artillery ? [India]
1941-02-01 1941-06-30 Brigadier Royal Artillery, Western Independent District [India]
1941-07-01 1942-02-15 Commander Royal Artillery, 9th Indian Division [Malaya]
1942-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Prisoner of War
1948-07-19 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Paul Godley