The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Aviation Mikhail Iosifovich Gorlachenko

Gorlachenko, Mikhail Iosifovich

Major-General of Aviation

* 21st of November 1905

† 4th of January 1976

(Михаил Иосифович Горлаченко)


1943-03-17 Major-General of Aviation


1938-09-XX 1940-12-XX Commanding Officer 4th Light Bomber Aviation Regiment
1940-12-XX 1941-03-XX Attending the Military Command & Navigation Academy of the Air Force
1941-03-XX 1941-08-27 Commanding Officer 260th Short Range Bomber Aviation Regiment
1941-08-27 1942-01-XX Commanding Officer 198 Assault Aviation Regiment
1942-01-XX 1942-02-XX Acting Commanding Officer 233rd Fighter Aviation Division
1942-02-XX 1942-05-XX Commanding Officer 198 Assault Aviation Regiment
1942-05-XX 1942-12-06 Commanding Officer 226th Assault Aviation Division
1942-12-06 1945-06-XX Commanding Officer III Assault Aviation Corps
1945-06-XX 1947-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Combat training, 4th Air Army
1947-03-XX 1949-04-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1949-04-XX 1950-12-XX Commanding Officer Air Forces, Volga Military District
1950-12-XX 1951-01-XX At disposal of the 10th Section, 2nd Directorate, General Staff
1951-01-XX 1953-01-XX Military Adviser to the North Korean Army
1953-01-XX 1958-05-XX Commanding Officer Air Forces, Volga Military District
1958-05-XX 1961-06-12 First Deputy Commanding Officer Air Forces, Ural Military District
1958-05-XX 1961-06-12 Chief of Staff, Air Forces, Ural Military District
1961-06-12 Retired
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