The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Basan Badminovich Gorodovikov

Gorodovikov, Basan Badminovich


* 15th of November 1910

† 17th of August 1983

(Басан Бадьминович Городовиков)


1942-04-26 Colonel
1943-10-16 Major-General
1959-05-25 Lieutenant-General


1938-08-XX 1940-10-25 Commanding Officer 115h Cavalry Regiment
1940-10-25 1941-04-XX Attending the Air Force Academy
1941-04-XX 1941-06-XX Attending Serpukhov Aviation School
1941-07-06 1942-05-01 Commanding Officer 71st Cavalry Regiment
1942-05-01 1942-08-09 Commanding Officer 1st Crimean Partisan Area
1942-08-09 1943-07-27 Commanding Officer 251st Rifle Division
1943-07-27 1944-06-05 Commanding Officer 85th Guards Rifle Division
1944-06-10 1944-12-02 Commanding Officer 184th Rifle Division
1944-12-02 1945-02-25 Wounded and hospitalised
1945-02-25 1945-07-09 Commanding Officer 184th Rifle Division
1945-07-09 1945-09-XX Commanding Officer 63rd Rifle Division
1945-09-XX 1946-03-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1946-03-XX 1947-04-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1947-04-XX 1950-01-XX Commanding Officer 12th Guards Mechanised Division
1950-01-XX 1950-09-XX Deputy Commanding Officer LXXXVII Rifle Corps
1950-09-XX 1953-12-XX Chief of Combat & Physical Training Section, Far Eastern Military District
1953-12-XX 1955-12-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1955-12-XX 1960-09-XX First Deputy Commander in Chief Soviet Group of Forces in Germany
1955-12-XX 1960-09-XX Member of the Military Council, Soviet Group of Forces in Germany
1960-09-XX 1961-03-07 Deputy Commander in Chief for Combat Training & Military Educational Institutions, Carpathian Military District
1960-09-XX 1961-03-07 Chief of Combat Training & Military Educational Institutions Section, Carpathian Military District
1961-03-07 Retired
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