The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Henri-Joseph-Eugène Gouraud

Gouraud, Henri-Joseph-Eugène


* 17th of November 1867

† 16th of September 1946


1904-07-08 Lieutenant-Colonel
1907-12-24 Colonel
1912-06-04 Brigadier-General
1914-09-18 Temporary Major-General
1915-02-15 Major-General
1928-12-15 General


1912-06-04 1914-06-17 Commanding Officer 4th Moroccan Infantry Brigade
1914-09-17 1915-01-22 General Officer Commanding 10th Infantry Division
1915-01-22 1915-04-29 General Officer Commanding I Colonial Corps
1915-05-15 1915-07-01 General Officer Commanding Orient Expeditionary Corps [Gallipoli]
1915-12-11 1916-12-14 General Officer Commanding 4th Army
1916-12-14 1917-05-18 Resident-General on Morocco
1916-12-14 1917-05-18 General Officer Commanding Morocco
1917-06-01 1917-06-15 General Officer Commanding 1st Army
1917-06-15 1918-10-08 General Officer Commanding 4th Army
1919-10-08 1923-04-19 Commander in Chief in Syria
1919-10-08 1923-04-19 High Commissioner of Syria
1922-10-31 1933-11-17 Member of the Supreme War Council
1923-07-29 1937-11-17 Military-Governor of Paris
1937-11-17 1946-09-16 Unemployed
Picture source: Courtesy of Frederic Dumait