The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Signal Troops Vasilii Mikhailovich Goviadkin

Goviadkin, Vasilii Mikhailovich

Major-General of Signal Troops

* 22nd of April 1896

† 28th of July 1959

(Василий Михайлович Говядкин)


1939-11-29 Brigade-Engineer
1940-06-04 Major-General of Signal Troops
1951-06-01 Brigadier-General (Polish Army)


1938-11-23 1942-06-08 Commandant of Military Electro-Technical Academy
1946-01-04 1947-09-26 Commandant of the School of Radio Experts of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1951-06-01 Transferred to the Polish Army
1951-06-01 1954-11-24 Deputy Commandant of Military Technical Academy
1954-11-30 Returned to Soviet Union
1955-11-17 Retired
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