The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Major-General Attilio Grattarola

Grattarola, Attilio


* 26th of April 1882

† October 1966


1926-03-31 Lieutenant-Colonel
1926-11-04 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1923-12-31)
1931-08-06 Colonel (Seniority from 1931-07-01)
1937-09-09 Brigadier-General (Exceptional merits)(Seniority from 1937-07-01)
1940-05-31 Major-General (Seniority from 1940-01-01)


1926-09-03 Attached to 67th Infantry Regiment "Palermo"
1926-09-03 1928-12-01 Attached to Milano Corps
1928-12-01 1931-08-06 Deputy Chief of Staff, Milano Corps
1931-08-06 1931-08-15 At disposal of Milano Corps
1931-08-15 1934-10-01 Commanding Officer 43rd Infantry Regiment "Forli"
1934-10-01 Attached to the Central Military School
1938-01-11 Attached to the Ministry of War
1938-01-11 1939-04-15 Deputy Commanding Officer 29th Infantry Division "Peloritana"
1939-04-15 1939-09-01 Deputy General Officer Commanding 28th Infantry Division "Aosta"
1939-09-01 1940-11-30 General Officer Commanding 49th Infantry Division "Parma"
1940-11-30 1941-01-10 Attached to the Ministry of War
1941-01-10 General Officer Commanding Torino Territorial Defence Command
1942-04-26 Retired, but remained employed
1942-XX-XX 1943-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Alessandria Territorial Defence Command
1943-09-09 1945-01-26 Prisoner of War [Germany]