The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Lieutenant-General William Wyndham Green

Green, William Wyndham


* 15th of May 1887

† 12th of November 1979

(Royal Artillery)


1929-07-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-11-15 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-04-15 Colonel (Dated back to 1932-07-01)
1938-04-22 Temporary Brigadier
1940-06-11 Reverted to Colonel
1940-06-14 Temporary Brigadier
1941-02-07 Major-General (Dated back to 1938-07-16)
1945-04-16 Acting Lieutenant-General
1946-07-04 Granted the honorary rank of Lieutenant-General


1937-04-15 1938-04-21 Chief Instructor at School of Artillery
1938-04-22 1940-06-11 Commandant of Royal Military College of Science
1940-06-14 1941-03-03 Brigadier Royal Artillery, Northern Command
1941-03-04 1941-11-07 Deputy Governor-General of Gibraltar
1942-01-07 1942-09-30 General Officer Commanding 2nd Anti-Aircraft Division
1942-10-01 1945-03-07 General Officer Commanding 5th Anti-Aircraft Group
1945-04-16 1946-04-30 General Officer Commanding in Chief Anti-Aircraft Command
1946-07-04 Retired
1947-10-16 1952-02-16 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Artillery
1949-02-22 1956-12-31 Honorary Colonel, 410th Coast Regiment, Royal Artillery, Territorial Army
Picture source: NPG x167949, National Portrait Gallery, London